greek yogurt sauce recipe
greek yogurt sauce recipe
Ingredient :
Ingredient :
A time saving way to make home baked cakes is to use packet cake mix. Some recipes start with a cake mix then the recipe gives you instructions to vary the basic recipe. You’ll be amazed at the results that can be achieved using a packet mix. I mean in taste and in time. Using a packet mix gives you a head start on the preparation and reduces the time you spend in the kitchen.
The Preparation time
For time challenged bakers like me, any time we can shave off in any of the processes used in making a homemade cake is a gift. This means we’ll have time to enjoy doing other things that we enjoy doing. So a shorter preparation time is a major factor in choosing an easy cake recipe. You’ll find that most recipes are designed for the modern cook and therefore each recipe will list with it the preparation time. I’ve found that great cakes can be prepared in 20 minutes or less. If the preparation time is more than 20 minutes, move on.
The Instructions
When I like a description or picture of a cake, I will look at the recipe. I will scan the instructions. If the instructions are clear and concise and do not contain any thing that I don’t know or have time to learn then I move on. It is usually the instructions that get me with a lot of recipes, friends will tell me they’re easy but it’s actually easy for THEM and not me.
The Mixing Method
I enjoy baking but I do not enjoy the washing up especially if there were lots of pots and pans involved. So what I’m looking for is a mixing method where I can get by using just a bowl and a spoon or an electric mixer. Life just gets sweeter because I can just put all the ingredients in and mix them together and save myself a lot of washing up. greek yogurt sauce recipe
greek yogurt sauce recipe
greek yogurt sauce recipe
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